Method for extending the service life of mixer equipment manufacturers
The material selection of the mixer manufacturer is to choose different materials according to different usage environments. Generally, a weak acid is used, and the non-corrosive normal material is stirred to select stainless steel. Carbon steel epoxy should be selected if there is strong acid material agitation. If there is a higher requirement for the service life of the agitator, carbon steel rubber is recommended.
Development trend of agitator equipment
It is required to force the concrete mixer manufacturer to introduce its new customer site. This is a good way to test the quality of the agitator equipment. If the manufacturer avoids it, the following problems will not be discussed. The agitator equipment must have problems;
Good results of the mixer manufacturer equipment
However, since the environmentally friendly small concrete mixing plant has been used, the situation has suddenly become more and more cheerful. Small concrete mixing plants have many advantages. The obvious advantages are low investment, fast profit, and because they are new equipment, they are very environmentally friendly. We don’t have to worry about a lot. Problems such as low noise, low dust, sewage treatment in place, higher utilization of concrete, etc.
Pulp mixer with reasonable structure and sufficient strength
It is well known that the structure of the slurry agitator equipment should conform to some rules. For example, the mixing equipment should have a reasonable structure and sufficient strength, so as to more effectively exert the value of the mixing equipment in the enterprise, and some structural aspects of the mixing equipment. The knowledge is now compiled for you to analyze the relevant knowledge.